Maresfield Renaissance – Uckfield

Maresfield Renaissance – Uckfield

David Williams Landscape Consultancy (DWLC) are commissioned to provide strategic and detailed landscape planning and design services for a proposal to develop a sustainable village extension on land at Park Farm, Maresfield, near Uckfield, East Sussex.  Working on behalf of Barratt Strategic (formerly David Wilson Estates) DWLC is part of a multi – disciplinary team of town planners, architects, engineers, ecologists and environmental consultants tasked with preparing a master plan for the development and promoting the site through the Local Development Framework process.

Our scope of work includes undertaking a detailed landscape and visual assessment of the site and its surroundings, providing technical advice to the scheme architects on open space and landscape matters, providing input to the Design and Access Statement to accompany the planning application, preparing the landscape and visual chapter of the Environment Statement and participating in public consultation meetings and events held with the local community.
Given the rural location of Maresfield, it is important to understand the landscape setting and context of the village.

At an early stage of the project, an initial task was to prepare a strategic landscape assessment of Maresfield and its surrounding landscape. This identified the key landscape and visual issues relating to the future development opportunities within the village and the capacity of various parts of the village to accommodate residential development. This work also guided the proposed layout, quantum of development and location of different types of development within the site.

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