David Williams Landscape Consultancy were instructed by Barratt Homes Southern Counties, in July 2010, to provide landscape advice, undertake a preliminary landscape and visual assessment of land to the north of West End Lane, Henfield, West Sussex, and to prepare a report which considers the landscape and visual effect of developing the site for 160 No. residential dwellings. landscaping and associated infrastructure.
The scope of work includes undertaking a detailed landscape and visual assessment of the site and its surroundings, providing technical advice to the scheme architects on open space and landscape matters, providing input to the Design and Access Statement to accompany the planning application, preparing the landscape and visual impact assessment report and participating in public consultation meetings and events held with the local community.
Given the rural location of Henfield, it is important to understand the landscape setting and context of the settlement and, at an early stage of the project, an initial task was to prepare a preliminary landscape assessment of the site and its surroundings which informed the design concept for the development and site layout.
Working closely with the client and scheme architects, DWLC formulated a detailed landscape strategy, including the introduction of mature trees, hedges and shrub planting to mitigate the landscape and visual effect of the scheme.
A planning application was submitted to Horsham District Council which was validated by the Council on 24th May 2013. At the Meeting of the Development Management Committee – South on the 20th August 2013, the Council resolved to refuse planning permission and the Seven Reasons for Refusal were given. Barratt Homes appealed against the decision and a 5 day Public Inquiry was held at the end of March 2014. DWLC prepared and presented evidence at the Inquiry dealing with landscape and visual matters relating to Reason for Refusal No.4. Following the Inquiry, the Planning Inspector (Mr R P E Mellor) allowed the appeal in his decision letter dated 2nd June 2014.