David Williams Landscape Consultancy were instructed by JS Bloor Homes Ltd, in August 2012, to provide landscape advice, undertake a preliminary landscape and visual assessment of land at Mayfield Farm Industrial Estate, Cranbourne near Bracknell, and to prepare a report which considers the landscape and visual effect of developing the site for 7No. residential dwellings and associated infrastructure.
The site comprises a rectangular shaped parcel of land of 0.879 hectares (2.172 acres) located immediately to the north west of Hatchet Lane, Cranbourne and consisted of a number of utilitarian rendered concrete block / brick buildings with sheet metal or flat roofs, areas of hard standing / external storage areas and a short entrance access drive off Hatchet Lane.
Working closely with the client and scheme architects, DWLC formulated a detailed landscape strategy, including the introduction of mature tree, hedge and shrub planting, to mitigate the landscape and visual effect of developing this small brownfield site.
The main aim of the assessment is to provide a robust assessment of the potential landscape and visual impacts of the proposed development including the likely effects on the visual amenities of the Metropolitan Green Belt within which the site is located.
A full planning application was submitted to Bracknell Borough Council in March 2013 and the scheme was granted planning permission/approval at the 23rd May 2013 Planning Committee Meeting.