David Williams Landscape Consultancy (DWLC) were appointed, at the early stages of the promotion of land at Chennells Brook, North East Horsham, to undertake a Landscape and Visual Appraisal Issues Report and provide strategic landscape planning and design advice on the potential development of the site for a mixed use residential development on land to the north and west of the A264 adjoining the northern edge of Horsham.
Working on behalf of Huntley LLP, DWLC is part of multi–disciplinary team of town planners, master planners, highway consultants, ecologists and environmental consultants tasked with preparing a master plan for the development and promoting the site through the Local Development Framework process. The scope of our work includes undertaking a detailed landscape and visual assessment of the site and the surrounding area, and providing technical advice to the client and scheme master planners on open space and landscape matters.
Given the rural location of the site on the edge of the settlement, it is important to understand the landscape setting and context of the town, the contribution that the site makes to the Horsham – Crawley Strategic Gap and the site’s relationship to the adjoining High Weald Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty situated to the east and south east. Therefore early on in the project, an initial task was to prepare a preliminary landscape and visual assessment of site and its wider surrounding landscape. This identified the key landscape and visual issues relating to the future development constraints and opportunities within the site and an indicative landscape strategy. This work will guide the proposed layout, quantum of development and location of different types of development within the site.