…the company undertakes projects across the UK, supporting clients wherever their work takes them. However a large proportion of our work is within London, the Home Counties, and Central and Southern England (South East, South, South West and the Midlands). Our experience covers a wide range of projects from small and large scale residential schemes to major infrastructure projects and developments.
…a comprehensive service, when required, and believe that excellence in external environments and projects is the result of an integrated team effort. We have worked, and have strong links, with other key professionals such as town planners, architects, ecologists, engineers and arboricultural consultants, all of whom complement the input we can provide.
Site Assessment and landscape planning are focused at the initial stages of the development process. The early involvement of a landscape planner to a project is important to understanding the constraints and opportunities of a site, the evolution of development master plan and a landscape strategy that enhances the built environment and ensures its assimilation with its surrounding urban or rural landscape.
We provide landscape advice to support site promotions through the planning process, planning applications, Environmental Impact Assessments, Public Inquiries, or discharge of planning conditions.
A thorough understanding of client aspirations and the local landscape context of a site enables the evolution of an appropriate landscape design solutions for a development (both at conceptual and detailed stages). The creation of sustainable and stimulating functional landscapes within and surrounding a development is of paramount importance, and will aid the assimilation of a proposal or scheme into the environment and neighbouring community. The innovative use of soft and hard landscape features and components can combine to achieve these key objectives.
We pride ourselves on our technical expertise and design flair combined with practical problem solving approach to landscape and environmental issues.
Environmental Impact Assessments are increasing becoming fundamental to a project’s success both at strategic and detailed level, due the impact of European legislation on the UK planning system.
We have extensive experience of providing landscape and visual inputs to EIAs, both at project and strategic level. This includes assessing the effects of a development and preparing creative mitigation measures and design proposals to reduce and ameliorate adverse landscape and visual effects.